Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kayaking in Hawaii

The photos look gorgeous don't they? They were taken before it happened.

I asked Shannon what to write - and he said write "We should have watched the instructional video".

All was good until we had to get back to shore after being on the 2nd island. Then the waves built up and we could not get into our kayak. We had 2 people try and help us get in. Anne fell out probably 3 times. Anne also got bowled over by the kayak coming at her legs at 100km per hour x 2. She face planted the ground and had bruises and cuts to prove it along her arms and legs. Anne lost the flippers - Shan found the flippers. Shan grazed and cut his knee and bled all the way back to shore. - we were lucky we were not eaten by a shark or something. We were not happy campers kayaking back (prob took us 45 minutes or so). We were both bleeding and bruised.

Shan was yelling PADDLE PADDLE trying to get away from the island - the embarrasment was too much for him.
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